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Proven Success:

Grade improvement;

Higher test scores

Being prepared for an exam is the absolute sure way to improving test scores. There are no shortcuts, just preparation! Preparation doesn't mean studying hard for an exam.

Students preparing for an exam, should put in to place good studying habits that will help them remember the subject matter, as well as understand it.

Find out more from the Ivy league Guru how you can prepare for an exam and pass with high test scores.


Customized â€‹Learning 


Our consultants prepare a personalized one-on-one plan once they have reviewed a students high school transcripts, SAT tests scores, extracurricular activities, admissions essays, college interviews, and biography.  Prepare to apply top schools throughout the U.S.


U Chicago

​International Students Ivy League Bound

In The News

Top Universities:
"Grades #1 Factor"

Interested in attending an Ivy League College in the United States? Ivy league Guru, an international college consultant will guide you through the process step-by-step.

Get assistance with the application process, and the admissions expectations of the Ivy league university of your choice.

An adviser will work with you individually via phone, Skype, Face-time and/or e-mail.


We have worked with students from all over the world including Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Russia, Africa Egypt, South Africa, Swaziland, North Korea, China, UK and more ...

​​College Test Prep

Get help with preparing for the SAT, SATII Subject Tests,  and ACT. College entrance exams do not have to cause sleepless nights.

The Ivy League Guru will provide SAT and ACT test prep tools and tips, that will help you get ahead of the curve. All of our advisers are from Harvard and have scored in the top 5% on these tests.

Being prepared for the SAT and ACT is the best way to improve test scores. There are no shortcuts. Students preparing for an exam must put good study habits in place that will help them remember the subject matter, as well as understand it.

Ask the Ivy League Guru how you can prepare for an exam and achieve high test scores.​


   I was introduced to two Harvard students that gave me a strategy for the SAT. After several weeks of working with them, I took the SAT and my test scores rose significantly. I felt confident applying to Ivy League schools.

— Rose from NYU, New York





       Working with Jerry has been one of the most valuable experiences in my life. With a complete mastery of the college admissions process, Jerry not only guided me through the complex process, but professionally tailored his services to fit my personal needs and desires.

— James, Brown University

— Kelsey,  Harvard University



     Applying to college, especially top schools, is scary, Jerry my adviser  made the process simple and stress-free. He helped me get into my number one choice, (Harvard) which I will forever be grateful. Hire Jerry --you be in good hands!

— Daniel from California



     Interviews I would say are the most stressful part of the application process. Through skype sessions and phone calls, Jerry helped me prepare for my meetings with college alumni. His advice along with plenty of practice got me over my fears, and I actually came to enjoy the interviews.

International College Consultant

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College admissions experts working with families and students in the U.S. and international. Blog

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